Logic Trace (S2 // Logic Tab)

Logic analysis traces the path(s) of activities to and from a given activity.

For example, all activity paths leading into a given milestone, or all activities on the path from a project sanction milestone to the end of the project.

In addition to running it from the S2 // Logic tab, you can also run logic trace from the S2 // Diagnostics tab.

You can use the following tracing modes on theLogic Analysis > Logic Trace drop-down list:
  • Trace Forwardtraces logic forward starting from the selected activity.
  • Trace Backward traces logic backward starting from the selected activity.
  • Trace Forward / Backward traces logic forward and backward starting from the selected activity.
  • Trace Path traces the paths between any two given activities; it traces the logic from a starting activity until reaching the finishing activity.

The above commands are available on the Logic Trace menu as well as when you right-click an activity.

When you conduct a logic analysis, the analysis engine and resultant metric results only reflect those activities that are returned in the path analysis.

Driving Logic

Driving Logic allows you to analyze only those path(s) that are driving the schedule through to completion. This allows you to pinpoint the key activities in a schedule.

By default, the logic trace runs in Driving Logic Only mode.